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The principle

The credit card number is sensitive data imposing a PCI DSS certification (SAQ D) required in case of manipulation of the card number. 
It is therefore necessary to minimize the manipulation of the credit card number to overcome the heavy constraints of a certification.

The Payline API reduce PCI constraints API Token replacing a full credit card number by a unique alias and sustainable over time , and s elete sensitive data.

The merchant must subscribe the Tokenization option in his subscription. 
The merchant could use this token in payment requests.

The format

Format of the credit card number: 4970 1000 0000 0113

Map token size: 4970 10Ab CDef 0113

The functions

The doAutor service returns the TokenPan.

The VerifyEnrollement service returns the Token PAN version greater than or equal to 16.

The Ajax API transmits the CB number to Payline without going through your shop with the Web2Token function.