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Return codes linked to the return of Payline processing.

Miscellaneous codes are related to an operation other than payment. For example: you can always know what the consumer is doing on the Payline payment page by calling the getWebPaymentDetail function. In the case where the consumer has not yet made a transaction, a code 02XXX informs you of the status of the transaction

Les codes retours liés au retour du traitement Payline

Les codes divers sont liés à une opération autre que du paiement. Par exemple : vous pouvez savoir à tout moment ce que fait le consommateur sur la page de paiement Payline en appelant la fonction getWebPaymentDetail(). Dans le cas où le consommateur n’a pas encore réalisé de transaction, un code 02XXX vous informe du statut de l’opération.


Short MessageStateREFUSEDREFUSEDTransaction to be canceledTransaction delegated to partner When the PSP Payline is disturbed.When time connection is over 25 seconds.REFUSEDREFUSEDWhen capture isn't possible since the reautor capture period is passedThe result is given after getwebpaymentdetails.REFUSEDWhen Payment Mode given in request can't be used for the webservice.REFUSEDREFUSEDREFUSEDThis token has never sent by Payline or session expired.REFUSEDREFUSEDMessage relate to walletREFUSEDMessage relate to walletMessage relate to walletREFUSEDMessage relate to walletMessage relate to REFUSEDMessage relate to walletMessage relate to walletMessage relate to walletREFUSEDMessage relate to walletREFUSEDMessage relate to Message relate to walletREFUSEDMessage relate to walletMessage relate to walletMessage relate to walletREFUSEDREFUSEDREFUSEDREFUSEDREFUSEDREFUSEDREFUSEDREFUSEDREFUSEDMessage relate to reauthorization functionMessage relate to reauthorization functionREFUSEDREFUSEDREFUSEDACCEPTEDMessage relate to reauthorization functionREFUSEDMessage relate to reauthorization functionREFUSEDMessage relate to reauthorization functionREFUSEDMessage relate to reauthorization functionMessage relate to reauthorization functionREFUSEDMessage relate to reauthorization functionREFUSEDREFUSEDREFUSEDREFUSEDREFUSEDREFUSEDREFUSEDMessage relate to walletREFUSEDREFUSEDREFUSEDREFUSEDTransaction refused
CodeShortMessageLongMessageLong MessageComments
02000Transaction in-progressINPROGRESSONHOLD_PARTNER Transaction in progress, please wait for payment status.
02001Duplicate transactionERRORDuplicate transaction
02002Duplicate transactionERRORREFUSEDDuplicate pending transactiontransaction 
02003Transaction refusedREFUSEDTo be reversedIssuer communication error. Transaction must be cancelled.
02004Transaction refusedREFUSEDCANCELLEDIssuer communication error. Transaction cancelled.Reversed after technical error
02005ONHOLD_PARTNER Transaction in - progressINPROGRESS, please wait for payment status.


Retry Transaction in progress, please wait for payment method returnstatus.
02008Transaction canceledCANCELLEDABORTEDTransaction canceled by user
02009Transaction AbortedABORTEDTransaction AbortedCANCELLEDTo be reversed, Payline fallback process
02010ERROR02010Operation RefusedRequested function not available
02011Technical errorERRORTo be reversed in fallback mode
02012Technical errorERRORUnmatched partner return code
02013Transaction refusedERRORIssuer communication error. Transaction cancelled.
02014Transaction canceledCANCELLED


Transaction handled by merchant
02015REFUSEDTransaction in progress, please wait for payment status.


Transaction hold on partner,

Transaction delegated to partnerERROR

please wait for payment method return

02020Transaction refusedREFUSEDTransaction refused by partner
02101Internal ErrorERRORInternal ErrorERRORSystem internal error (frontend)
02102Transaction refusedERRORExternal Acquirer server communication errorWhen the PSP Payline cannot join the bank.
02103Transaction RefusedERRORREFUSEDConnection timeout, please try later
02104Operation RefusedERRORTokenizer internal error
0210402105Operation RefusedERRORTokenizer internal error02105Capture cancellation FailedREFUSEDCapture already done (lost and stolen card process)Capture sent for settlement before cancellation process
02106Transaction errorERRORPayment partner error
02110Invalid AmountERRORREFUSEDThe amount is invalid
02201Transaction refusedERRORThe seeked encryption key does not exist
02202Transaction refusedERRORREFUSEDThe used encryption key is out of date02301Invalid Transaction
02203ERRORToo many active key pair
02204ERRORInvalid merchantKeyName
02301ERRORTransaction ID  is invalid.When transactionID not exist in PSP Payline.
02302Invalid TransactionERRORREFUSEDTransaction is invalid..
02303Invalid TransactionERRORREFUSEDInvalid contract number.When contract number given in request not exist or not appropriate.
02304Invalid TransactionERRORREFUSEDNo transaction found for this tokenWebpayment pages, the buyer not cancelled  or  exceed time (15 minutes).
02305Invalid TransactionERRORREFUSEDInvalid field formatWhen parameter given in request are incorrectly formated like date format for example.
02306Operation in progressINPROGRESSThe consummer has to fill his payment card details
02307Invalid TransactionERRORREFUSEDInvalid custom page codeWhen custom Page Code given in request not exist in Payline.
02308Operation RefusedERRORInvalid value forfor 
02309Operation refusedERRORREFUSEDCustomPaymentPageCode is inactive
02310No transaction foundERRORREFUSEDNo transaction matching with search criteria
02311Too many resultsERRORToo many transactions match with search criteria
02312Operation RefusedERRORREFUSEDSearch criteria are invalid
02313Operation RefusedCANCELLEDTransaction flag capturable is disabled
02314Operation RefusedERRORTransaction flag refundable is disabled
02315Operation RefusedERRORREFUSEDA merchant is already logged on with this company name. If there is a problem, contact Support
02316Operation RefusedERRORREFUSEDThe commercial offer does not exist for this distributor. If there is a problem, contact Support
02317Invalid TransactionERRORREFUSEDThis token does not exist
02318Invalid TransactionERRORREFUSEDThis token does not exist, please check your primary/secondary endpointsIn case of switch over in secondary site.
02319Invalid TransactionREFUSEDPayment cancelled by the buyerIn webpayment, the buyer click on the cancel Button.
02319CANCELLEDTransaction cancelled by user
02320ERROR02320Operation refusedREFUSEDThe searched time interval is too long
02321Operation RefusedERRORREFUSEDInvalid value for payment action 
02322Invalid TransactionERRORInvalid cardholder name
02323Invalid TransactionREFUSEDBirthdate must not be provided using 3DS
02324 Transaction RefusedREFUSEDCANCELLEDThe  The session expired before the consumer has finished the transaction 
02325Invalid TransactionERRORREFUSEDTransaction must be unblocked before capture
02400Mass Transaction SuccessfullACCEPTEDMass Transaction Successfull
02401Mass Transaction WarningERRORSome transaction failed
02402Mass Transaction FailedERRORREFUSEDWaiting for treatment
02403Mass Transaction FailedERRORREFUSEDNo mass treatment found
02500Operation SuccessfullACCEPTEDOperation SuccessfullMessage relate to wallet
02501Operation Successfull with warningACCEPTEDOperation Successfull but wallet will expireMessage relate to wallet
02502Operation RefusedERRORWallet with the same identifier exist
02503Operation RefusedERRORREFUSEDWallet does not existMessage relate to wallet
02504Operation RefusedREFUSEDCan not update Lastname and FirstnameMessage relate to wallet
02505Operation RefusedERRORWallet is disabledMessage relate to wallet
02506Operation RefusedREFUSEDWallet can not operate on scheduled date
02507Operation RefusedERRORREFUSEDCan not find payment recordMessage relate to wallet
02508Operation RefusedREFUSEDPayment record is disabledMessage relate to wallet
02509Operation RefusedREFUSEDpayment.amount  must equals recurring.firstAmount + (recurring.billingLeft - 1) * recurring.amount
02510Operation RefusedERRORCan not find payment record
02511Operation RefusedREFUSEDWallet is not supported for this cardMessage relate to wallet
02512Operation RefusedREFUSEDLastname and Firstname required for walletMessage relate to wallet
02513Operation RefusedERRORREFUSEDWallet Id required for wallet wallet
02514Too many private dataERRORPrivate data number is limited to 99
02514Too many private dataREFUSEDPrivate data number is limited to 99Message relate to wallet
02515Operation RefusedREFUSEDMust choose the data to updateMessage relate to wallet
02516Operation RefusedERRORREFUSEDCan not disable the wallet(s)
02517Operation Successfull with warningACCEPTEDREFUSEDCan not disable some wallet(s)Message relate to wallet
02518Invalid TransactionERRORREFUSEDInvalid card index
02519Operation RefusedERRORCan not enable the wallet(s)
02520Operation Successfull with warningACCEPTEDREFUSEDCan not enable some wallet(s)Message relate to wallet
02521Operation RefusedERRORCard already exist in this wallet wallet
02522Operation RefusedERRORREFUSEDAmex recurring invalid fieldMessage relate to wallet
02523Operation RefusedREFUSEDAmex recurring not allowed
02524Operation RefusedERRORREFUSEDAmex one click invalid fieldMessage relate to wallet
02525Operation RefusedREFUSEDAmex one click not allowedMessage relate to wallet
02526Operation RefusedERRORAmex one click capture amount invalidMessage relate to wallet
02527Operation RefusedERRORREFUSEDInvalid control option
02528Operation RefusedERRORREFUSEDSelectedContractList must be filled with only one contractMessage relate to wallet
02529Operation RefusedERRORREFUSEDInformations must referenced the same contractMessage relate to wallet
02530Operation RefusedREFUSEDeMoneo not allowedMessage relate to wallet
02531Operation RefusedREFUSEDLeetchi not allowed
02532Operation RefusedREFUSEDWallet management is not allowed with your accountMessage relate to wallet
02533Operation in progress


The consummer is not redirected on payment web pagesMessage relate to wallet
02534Operation refusedREFUSEDThe consummer is not redirected on payment web pages and session is expired
02535Operation refusedREFUSEDThe session expired before the operation on the walletMessage relate to wallet
02536Operation refusedREFUSEDThe consummer has canceled the operationCANCELLEDTransaction cancelled by user
02538ERROR02538Operation RefusedREFUSEDFullfill either card.number or card.token (not both)
02539Operation RefusedERRORExpiration date is mandatory for this token format.
02540Operation RefusedERRORREFUSEDNo card found for this token.
02541Operation RefusedERRORCard is not eligible02541Operation RefusedCard is not eligible
02542Transaction refusedACCEPTEDREFUSEDCard expires before the last billing date.
02543Transaction refusedERRORREFUSEDbillingRecord not found
02544Transaction refusedERRORTransaction mode must be REC
02545Transaction refusedERRORREFUSEDTransaction mode must be NX
02546Transaction refusedERRORbilling status doesn't authorize the action.
02550Invalid TransactionERRORInvalid expected endDate
02551Invalid TransactionERRORREFUSEDnewAmount and amountModificationDate are both present or both empty.
02552Invalid TransactionERRORREFUSEDUpdatePaymentRecord must be used only for REC payments.
02553Invalid TransactionERRORREFUSEDbillingDay included in [01.28] for billingCycle greater than or equal to months.
02554Invalid TransactionERRORREFUSEDbillingleft must be greater or equal to billingleft already present in the database.
02555Invalid TransactionERRORendDate, newAmount and amountModificationDate can only be used for recurring payments
02556Invalid TransactionERRORREFUSEDInvalid Billing Record Id
02557Invalid TransactionERRORREFUSEDInvalid expected amountModificationDate
02600Transaction refusedERRORREFUSEDReset is not supported for transaction typeMessage relate to reauthorization function
02601Transaction refusedERRORReset already doneMessage relate to reauthorization function
02602Transaction refusedERRORAuthorization is already expiredMessage relate to reauthorization function
02603Transaction refusedERRORREFUSEDAuthorization is not resetable
02604Transaction refusedERRORREFUSEDThis transaction does not exist
02605Transaction refusedERRORInvalid Functional Profile ID
02606Transaction refusedERRORREFUSEDInvalid  Sequence ID
02607Transaction refusedERRORREFUSEDInvalid Monetic Profil ID
02608Transaction refusedERRORREFUSEDInvalid Monetic Param ID
02609Transaction refusedERRORREFUSEDMonetics parameters are not initialized 
02610Transaction refusedREFUSEDThe max amount is exceeded 
02611Transaction refusedREFUSEDThe min amount is not reached
02612Transaction refusedERRORThe amount provided is different from the original transaction
02613Transaction refusedERRORREFUSEDThe maximal sum of the capture/refund is exceeded 
02614Transaction refusedERRORInvalid Luhn Key 
02615Transaction refusedREFUSEDVirtual card deniedMessage relate to reauthorization function
02616Transaction acceptedREFUSEDError while creating the walletMessage relate to reauthorization function
02617Transaction refusedERRORREFUSEDThe transaction is already capturedMessage relate to reauthorization function
02618Transaction refusedREFUSEDThe transaction is not yet captured
02619Transaction refusedERRORYou don't have the reauthorization option
02620Transaction refusedERRORREFUSEDCurrency must be the same as the original authorizationMessage relate to reauthorization function
02621Transaction refusedREFUSEDOperation not allowed on this siteMessage relate to reauthorization function
02622Transaction refusedREFUSEDReauthorization not allowed on virtual cardMessage relate to reauthorization function
02623Operation RefusedREFUSEDThe maximum number Maximum nbr of attempts is reachedMessage relate to reauthorization function
02624Operation RefusedREFUSEDCard expiredMessage relate to reauthorization function
02625Operation RefusedERRORInvalid card number format
02626Operation RefusedERRORInvalid expiration date
02627Operation RefusedERRORREFUSEDInvalid cvv2Message relate to reauthorization functioncvv
02628Operation RefusedERRORREFUSEDInvalid return URL
02629Operation RefusedERRORImpossible to decode the virtual CVV
02630Operation RefusedERRORREFUSEDVirtual CVV is not allowed for this functionMessage relate to reauthorization function
02631Operation RefusedREFUSEDDelay exceededMessage relate to reauthorization function
02632Operation RefusedERRORMethod GET is not allowedMessage relate to reauthorization function
02633Validation refusedREFUSEDLost or stolen card
02634Transaction refusedERRORInvalid credit option code
02635Transaction refusedERRORREFUSEDInvalid birthdate
02636Transaction refusedERRORREFUSEDInvalid CVVcvv
02637Transaction refusedERRORREFUSEDBirthdate is missing
02638Transaction refusedERRORCVV is missing
02639Transaction refusedREFUSEDBirthdate or CVV is missing
02640Transaction refusedREFUSEDCredit refused by custommer
02701Operation RefusedREFUSEDAmount not allowed
02702Operation RefusedREFUSEDCurrency not allowed
02703Operation RefusedERRORREFUSEDAction not allowed
02712Invalid transactionERRORREFUSEDA valid private data with the key `voucherValue¿ is required.
02713Invalid TokenERRORThe token field is invalid. Need to be alphanumeric (13-19)
02715Authentication3DSecure is mandatoryERRORAuthentication3DSecure is mandatory
02716Operation RefusedREFUSEDSelectedContractList must be filled with only one contract per payment method
02717Operation RefusedERRORREFUSEDThe version of the web service is incompatible with a multi-contracts wallet
02718Operation RefusedERRORSelectedContractList must be filled with at least one contract
02719Operation RefusedREFUSEDThe type of contracts is incompatible with the type of card
02720Operation refusedREFUSEDDelivery mode not found for this value
02721Operation refusedREFUSEDDelivery time not found for this value
02724Operation RefusedERRORREFUSEDThe amount must be empty for an information demand.Message relate to wallet
02725Operation RefusedERRORREFUSEDThe contract.enrolment3DS value is invalid. Must be Y or N.
02726Operation RefusedERROREither card.number or walletId must be fulfilledMessage relate to wallet
02727Operation RefusedERRORREFUSEDInvalid walletCardInd
02728Operation RefusedREFUSEDReset is not possible because the authorization has been approved more than {0} days agoMessage relate to reauthorization function
02729Refund amount too highREFUSEDRefund amount exceeds the limit
02730Refund country out of eurozoneREFUSEDRefund country is out of eurozone
02731Refund period too longREFUSEDRefund period exceeds the limit
02732Refund currency only euroREFUSEDRefund currency is only euro
02733Missing dataERRORInvalid field format : {0} : Cannot be empty.
02734Credit amount too highREFUSEDCredit amount exceeds  the limit
02735Incorrect BICERRORREFUSEDBIC format is incorrect
02736Incorrect IBANERRORREFUSEDIBAN format is incorrect
02737Unauthorized BICERRORREFUSEDThis bank is not authorized for credit transfer
02738Unauthorized IBANERRORThis account is not authorized for credit transfer
02739Unauthorized operationERRORREFUSEDThis credit transfer is not allowed for security reasons
02740Credit currency only euroREFUSEDCredit currency only euro
02741Transaction RefusedERRORREFUSEDThis order does not exist
02742REFUSEDInconsistent request : No complying contract
02840Operation RefusedERRORREFUSEDContract number must be fulfilled
02841Operation RefusedERRORToo many contract number
02842Operation RefusedREFUSEDContract not associated with card
02843Operation RefusedERRORdifferedActionDate must be empty if the payment mode is not DIF.
02998REFUSEDTransaction refusedREFUSED

More details

02101When the PSP Payline is disturbed.
02102When the PSP Payline cannot join the bank.
02103When time connection is over 25 seconds.
02301When transactionID not exist in PSP Payline.
02302When capture isn't possible since the reautor capture period is passed.
02303When contract number given in request not exist or not appropriate.
02304Webpayment pages, the buyer not cancelled  or  exceed time (15 minutes).
02305When parameter given in request are incorrectly formated like date format for example.
02306The result is given after getwebpaymentdetails.
02307When custom Page Code given in request not exist in Payline.
02308When Payment Mode given in request can't be used for the webservice.
02317This token has never sent by Payline or session expired.
02318In case of switch over in secondary site.
02319In webpayment, the buyer click on the cancel Button.
02500Message relate to wallet
02501Message relate to wallet
02502Message relate to wallet
02503Message relate to wallet
02504Message relate to wallet
02505Message relate to wallet
02506Message relate to wallet
02507Message relate to wallet
02508Message relate to wallet
02509Message relate to wallet
02510Message relate to wallet
02511Message relate to wallet
02512Message relate to wallet
02513Message relate to wallet
02514Message relate to wallet
02514Message relate to wallet
02515Message relate to wallet
02516Message relate to wallet
02517Message relate to wallet
02518Message relate to wallet
02519Message relate to wallet
02520Message relate to wallet
02521Message relate to wallet
02522Message relate to wallet
02523Message relate to wallet
02524Message relate to wallet
02525Message relate to wallet
02526Message relate to wallet
02527Message relate to wallet
02528Message relate to wallet
02529Message relate to wallet
02530Message relate to wallet
02531Message relate to wallet
02532Message relate to wallet
02533Message relate to wallet
02534Message relate to wallet
02535Message relate to wallet
02600Message relate to reauthorization function
02601Message relate to reauthorization function
02602Message relate to reauthorization function
02603Message relate to reauthorization function
02604Message relate to reauthorization function
02615Message relate to reauthorization function
02616Message relate to reauthorization function
02617Message relate to reauthorization function
02618Message relate to reauthorization function
02619Message relate to reauthorization function
02620Message relate to reauthorization function
02621Message relate to reauthorization function
02622Message relate to reauthorization function
02623Message relate to reauthorization function
02624Message relate to reauthorization function
02625Message relate to reauthorization function
02626Message relate to reauthorization function
02627Message relate to reauthorization function
02628Message relate to reauthorization function
02629Message relate to reauthorization function
02630Message relate to reauthorization function
02631Message relate to reauthorization function
02632Message relate to reauthorization function
02724Message relate to wallet
02726Message relate to wallet
02727Message relate to wallet
02728Message relate to reauthorization function

Additional information

02008 : The payment cancellation from the buyer will return that code for widget integration instead of 02324 (V4.58).