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The return codes of the LCLF module related to Payline anti-fraud rules.

Codes and messages will be returned by the Result object

Les codes retours du module LCLF lié aux règles du traitement anti-fraude de Payline.




04000ACCEPTEDTransaction accepted
04001PENDING_RISKTransaction accepted
04002REFUSEDFraud detected
04002REFUSEDFraud detected
04003PENDING_RISKFraud suspected
04101ERRORMissing field
04102ERRORIncorrect RuleName
04103ERRORDuplicate data
04104ERRORField value must be null
04301REFUSEDData not found
04302REFUSEDEmpty list
04303ERRORConfiguration not found
04401REFUSEDDo a 3DSecure authentication 
04901ERRORSystem error
04902ERRORUnauthorized service access


041XX -

Erreur en entrée

Input error

043XX -

Erreur en sortie

Output error


– Erreur système

- System error