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29000ONHOLD_PARTNER Transaction Moneyclic pending
29001REFUSEDRequested function not available
29002REFUSEDBad parameters to access to this agreement
29003ERRORError on agreement
29004ERRORFailed to create agreement
29005ERRORForbidden agreement. You are not allowded to access to this agreement.
29021REFUSEDAmount out of range
29022REFUSEDUnvalid currency ISO code
29023REFUSEDAn agreement with this tid had already been created
29120REFUSEDNo debit possible
29160REFUSEDRefused debit
29200CANCELLEDAuthorized automatic cancel agreement
29215CANCELLEDCancel agreement with problem
29219CANCELLEDCancel agreement with error
29270CANCELLEDAuthorized cancel agreement
29500REFUSEDImpossible to debit unvalid agreement
29600ERRORImpossible to cancel unvalid agreement

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