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Monext Online new features #4.76



Released version








We are constantly improving the administration centre to make it more user-friendly.
To this end, we are no longer requiring you to enter your merchant number when logging in.
You will continue to enter your email address and password.

If you have just one account for a merchant, you'll have fewer entries and an easier, faster connection.

If you have several accounts (merchants or groups), then your emails are merged and you can enter one of your passwords. This will be saved for future logins.
Then you can select your merchant or group account.

Having problems ? Contact Monext Online support.

Google Pay

The payment widget optimises the display of the Google Pay payment method. It is now only available on the Chrome browser (desktop and mobile).

We've updated the logo to make it clearer and more visible.

Network tokenization

This update enables you to refine the configuration of the network tokenisation service down to the point-of-sale level.
This means you can offer better Token management with your sub-merchants.
From now, nothing could be simpler and easier for targeted activation of your points of sale.

E-commerce plugin updates

New plugin updates are available.

Prestashop version 8.x  

  • php 8.x compatibility fix
  • Downgrade composer to ensure php 7.3 compatibility
  • SDK upgrade from v4.73 to v4.75

Magento 2.x 

  • Magento 2.4.6 compatibility
  • Version update composer.json


  • Wordpress 6.2.2 compatibility
  • Woocommerce 7.2.2 compatibility
  • Payline PHP SDK upgrade to 4.74

Return code

This new return code 01196 indicates that the authorisation has been refused for a foreign card with an incomplete message from the bank.

The merchant must contact his acquirer to obtain the reason for the refusal.

API version history 

Version 34 of the Web Services API enables management of the WebPayment API and the DirectPayment API.
Addition of an Object reattempt for the doAuthorization service in order to send the merchant a block on the number of attempts.

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